Whats new in Java Runtime 7

What’s new in Java Runtime 7 – from a Software Packaging or Administrator point of view?

This can be answered quite short: Nothing as been changed, the new version is based on the previous installation technology with the same limitations as know.

Here are the most important details about Java Runtime Environment 7

1. A silent repair is still not supported (uninstall and install has to be done) see our bolg for more details.

2. The previous JRE 6 version will not be uninstalled when installing the new JRE 7 version, but version 7 will be the default runtime

3. The new features of Java 7 or read the change log that can be found in the internet

4. Use ‘java -version’ on a command prompt to display the default JRE version and build

5. At last but not least, this package is available as Direct Package Download, a service from Ontrex SPA. DPDs are fully automated software packages that can be deployed with any software deployment systems.



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